Tuesday, August 10, 2010

An old rain coat will never let you down… and neither will Rod’s balls.

Rod Stewart is having another baby.

The guy’s 66 years old! What is he thinking? I would think twice about buying a new car if I were him, never mind having another child.

I need new models… er I mean a new model … er I’m confused, is this bus going to Swiss Chalet?

At least Rod hasn’t fallen out of practice when it comes to changing diapers.

Come on Rod. You do realize that when this new baby turns 14 you’ll be 80 years old don’t you?!

File Photo from the future: Rod Stewart and his new baby

Oh well at least the mother, Penny Lancaster Stewart, is only 39 so she should still be around. She can teach the kid how to come in second last on strictly ballroom or how to model lingerie or something.

What’s that Rod? You say you’re the one that taught Penny how to model lingerie?

Maybe I’m being a little hard on old Rod the Mod. I mean I have enjoyed his music over the years. Young Turks is a good song and I know I’ve got a Steampacket album in my record collection somewhere. In fact some say that Rod Stewart sired blues-rock as we know it. Does that means without Rod there’d be no George Thorogood and the Destroyers?!

What would Hollywood do without George’s Bad to the Bone to play when ever kids are being bad in movies?

And what would I do without One Bourbon, One Scotch and One Beer?

All I can say about this song is One Y, One E and One S!

That would be thoro-ly b-b-b-b-bad (zing).

So shag on father of  blues-rock and bring forth the fruit of your well creased loins. Just don’t feed it Chinese powdered milk or it will grow tits

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